new to Exponential church?

You’ve come across something rather odd: A Church For People Who Don’t Like Church. It sounds stupid. Why would you start something for the one group of people who aren’t interested in what you’re offering? But the reality is that there are a lot of people who are looking for God and seeking a spiritual dimension to life, but just don’t want to go to church to find it.

And who can blame them? Most churches seem judgmental and holier than thou. They make you wear your Sunday best, play music from the 1800s, and are too into politics. And they seem to care more about people’s money than people.

So what if there was a church that flipped the script? A church where no perfect people were allowed, because there are no perfect people. Where everyone can just come as they are and be themselves. A church that was about relationships – loving God and loving people, and about serving – showing the local community that You Matter to God and You Matter to us. A church that was fun, and relevant, and really made a difference in your life.

You might call that odd. We call it Exponential Church. And we’d love for you to check out who we are through this website, and to show up and check out who we are in person. Unless you like church. Because we are definitely church for people who don’t like church.

  • the experience

    We meet Sunday mornings at 10am.  Our dress code is very simple, "Please Do!"  In other words, put on some clothes and come on out.  Most people will be in jeans and t-shirts so don't feel like you need to get all dressed up.

    Upon arriving stop by the Cafe and grab complimentary coffee and light refreshments.  Then make your way into the Experience, where through a rockin' band, lights, staging, videos and a practical message, you will learn about God in ways that are relevant and practical to your day-to-day life.

    Our goal is very make sure every week you have an experience with God and leave knowing what your next step is in your journey with Him.

  • location

    We are located at 4699 Earl Dr. in Harrisburg, PA.